Terms and Conditions
We reserve the right to amend our terms and conditions policy at any time.
General Information
The content of this website is for your general information and is subject to change at any time without notice. The use of any information on this site is entirely at your own risk, for which we will not be liable. Beauty Full Box Awards is fully trademarked, and any reproduction of our design, look, layout, and graphics that are owned or licensed to us is prohibited.
By entering competitions run by Beauty Full Awards, you will receive communications from Beauty Full Awards and its sponsors and partners in relation to the competition.
If you wish to amend or no longer receive any further communication from Beauty Full Awards, please use the ‘manage your preferences’ or ‘unsubscribe’ links in the emails.
– Finalist and winner titles are non-exchangeable, non-transferable, and have no cash alternatives.
– Entrants must be 18+.
– Creative categories are open globally.
– Brand/product categories are open globally.
Beauty Full Awards require all processors to securely protect your data and retain data only for as long as necessary. Online payments will be processed via a secure payment gateway.
All payments are non-refundable unless otherwise stated. The only refund requests that will be considered are for accidental duplicate orders of the same category. Refund requests will be reviewed by management with no guarantee of reimbursement.
Privacy Policy
We do not store credit/debit card details.
Beauty Full Box Awards may store your information (not payment information) internally to help us understand our customer needs and provide a better service to you. This information will never be shared, sold, or distributed to third parties outside of our sponsors and partners, unless we are required to do so by law.
The judging process begins with the internal panel assessing the entry forms and supporting evidence. There is a scoring system for each element of the form/evidence. Some of the criteria considered in the judging process include evaluating the content provided in the application form, assessing website content (including accessibility), visible qualifications, images of work, industry achievements, and considerations of equality and diversity. Our panel’s scoring and final decision-making process are kept strictly confidential, as is the disclosure of third parties and the number of entries in specific categories to ensure fairness and legitimacy (so people don’t falsify information to achieve higher scores).
After entries close, the panel shortlists the entries, and the shortlist is then reviewed by the final judge. The final judge assesses the forms and evidence once again and selects the winners for their own reasons (final industry expert judges do not directly work for BF awards, so we can’t influence how they reach their decisions. This is deliberate to avoid internal corruption or unfair advantages). All entries go through several different people separately to ensure fairness and justice. Once the final judge chooses the Gold winner, the Silver and Bronze winners are determined based on the panel’s scores.
Beauty Full Awards judges are prohibited from discussing any entries before, during, and after the awards.
Beauty Full Awards DO NOT judge based on:
– Size of business (no matter how big or small).
– Social media popularity (whether you have 1 follower or 1 million followers, this does not measure the quality of your work).
– Voting – we do not ask for votes, as this can be an unfair practice for winners (usually for companies to gain lots of hits on their websites rather than genuinely championing the worthy winner).
We have strict rules that panel members and judges may not enter any of the awards, either product or service, and they must not be affiliated with any entries they are judging, or they will be passed over to another judge.
Entrants will be notified within 30 working days via email if they have achieved finalist status. Unfortunately, if you do not receive a response, it means that, on this occasion, your entry was unsuccessful. The judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
Any images taken from our website must be referenced and credited to Beauty Full Box Awards.